My First Bug!!!Stored Cross Site Scripting(XSS)

It was about 6 months ago. I was totally depressed for my semester final exam. I was so depressed that I stopped studying before 3 hours of my exam and goes to a site(let, I started navigating some pages.
While navigating to , I saw a pop up ! I was totally surprised. That’s how I got my first XSS even first Bug.

Behind the scene, three days before it, I was gathering information about the website and create test account. While navigating to an URL like, , I saw a form to add information about family members, which contains a name field. I added the name with a XSS payload like, <scRipT>alert(“XSS_By_take0verx0”);</scRipT> . It was stored in database and reflected to an another page.
I reported it and after some days they accepted it and thanks me. It was a VDP program.