Discovering a Stored XSS: a duplicate one!

It was a quiet Sunday evening, and I was browsing my bugcrowd account. Suddenly I found a website that deals with Entertainment. I’ve always been fascinated by how web applications work, and as a budding security enthusiast, I often find myself poking around to see how things are built. Little did I know, this casual exploration would lead me to discover a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could have had serious implications for the platform and its users.
Let the website is There is an option where users can upload lyrics of any song. But the policy says, I can only include some html tag in my lyrics like <strong>, <b> etc.

But When I push basic script tag (test<scRipt>alert(document.cookie);</scRipt>)and do some other malicious activities, I notice I didn’t get blocked by any filter, I can Successfully execute my javascript code there.

That means I successfully bypass their Input Validation Policies and execute stored XSS!
But luck wasn’t on my side! I got duplicate…

Happy Hunting and Keep yourself motivated!